Friday, December 28, 2007

Yoga Challenge 2008: the beginning

I am asking you to practice yoga five days a week for two months.  We call it the Empowered Yoga Challenge!  Just the other day I stopped and asked myself, "hey Johnny why aren't you doing the challenge?"  The answer I gave was the same one I hear from many of you; I am so busy and blah, blah, blah.  It was in that moment that I realized my dilution.  I am unwilling to rise to the challenge yet I expect you to.

There is a quote that sits on my desk by Gandhi, "Be the change you wish to see in the world".  I know what yoga can do for you mentally, physically and spiritually.  I also know there is no quicker way to make change in your life that through an immersion like this.  I have accepted the challenge and I am asking you to do it with me!  I will be recording my journey through this blog.

I know at this time in my life the challenge is going to be just that.  I also know that anything of value in life requires that you give fully of yourself and make sacrifices.  As an incentive for you to take the challenge with me, Empowered Yoga will award you a $50 gift certificate when you complete the challenge.  Now is your time!